Matt Devlen, a filmmaker from Texas, has produced a documentary on the career of...
curse of the queerwolf
Our 2009 comedy "The God Complex" is now streaming for free on TubiTV. ...
We started production on our 11th feature film, "The Deceased Won't Desist" on Saturday,...
As our 2017 feature film, Celluloid Soul, starts making its way around the festival...
Filmmaker Mark Pirro was interviewed recently for a website called “Search My Trash.” The...
I’m sad to report yet another death in the Pirromount family. This one hits...
I’m sorry to announce that Conrad Brooks – featured in three Pirromount films, and...
As you may know, we have been making ultra low budget feature films for...
We are in pre-production for a feature film with comedian Judy Tenuta – working...
Creating a car accident scene is never easy, especially creating that car accident without spending...
We’re taking to the air for our new film, Celluloid Soul. Drone pilot Ace...
So far, we’ve shot 27 days on our upcoming feature film “Celluloid Soul,”...
For day 18 of production on Celluloid Soul, we shot process photography. In the...
This review from a couple of English blokes was just brought to our attention....
Click the video below to learn all about Pirromount’s new “LIP – LIVE IN...
Every once in awhile, Curse of the Queerwolf actress Taylor Whitney comes into town. ...
After talking to several contenders, and meeting with some incredibly talented people, we would...
We did our final shot for Rage of Innocence the other day. It was...
It was announced a couple of days ago that our terrifying Raven from “Rage...
I have a lot to say about this, but I’ll try to keep it...
Principal Photography began on Rage of Innocence Monday June 24th and all went well. ...
We’ve finished our movie about a guy who becomes obsessed with an actress from a 1939...
Here are some production stills from Curse of the Queerwolf Click on images to...
‘Blinded’ by the (Video) Light by Eric Rampson Mark Pirro might not be a...