Matt Devlen, a filmmaker from Texas, has produced a documentary on the career of Mark Pirro, and this documentary will be premiering at the London based film festival, Raindance, as part of an independent no-budget forum. Devlen and Pirro will be part of a panel discussing the ins and outs of producing movies for literally less than the cost of a flat screen television.

The documentary covers every phase of Pirro’s filmmaking career, starting as a teenager utilizing neighborhood kids as actors through to his first feature film (Polish Vampire in Burbank), shot for under $2500, right up to his last film, (The Deceased Won’t Desist!), shot for even less. It contains a lot of unseen footage and rare interviews, along with many anecdotal stories regarding Pirro’s adventure in filmland. Keep checking back for updates and showtimes.

Below are some scenes from the documentary, currently titled “Spielberg on a Shoestring.” That may change.

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1 year ago

We would like to interview you for “Indie Films: The Buzz of the B’s” the week of November 20th. What is your availability?

PIRRO REPLY: I’m flexible. PM me.

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