lauren again
Some of you have asked how we did the black and white effect in our film "Celluloid Soul." There were many different processes to achieve this effect - some high tech, some low tech. Although we used various...
Judy Tenuta and Mark Pirro in "World Accordion to Judy" video
Christmas With The Trumps
This is a video we made in 2016 with comedian Judy Tenuta as Mrs. Malaria Trump. It's a sweet tribute to America's first family of fuck ups, President Pussygrab and his wife as they enter life in the White...
Celluloid Soul - Horizontal2
New Celluloid Soul Review
Not bad, not stellar.  Film Threat chimes in on our 2017 fantasy film, Celluloid Soul.  There are parts of the film that the reviewer liked, and there are parts of the film that the reviewer wasn't all...
Deathrow Gameshow Blue-Ray
New Deathrow Gameshow review
Since Deathrow Gameshow got re-released in 2016 by Vinegar Syndrome, we've been finding new reviews popping up here and there.  Here is a new one by a site called "Noiseless Chatter."  I have to say one...
Working on Sharknado 6
We haven't posted much here lately because we've been working on Sharknado 6 (AKA "The Last Sharknado"). Good friend and longtime Pirromount alumnus, Glenn Campbell has been the visual effects supervisor...
"Celluloid Soul" was featured at the 2018 Los Angeles IFS Film Festival
We’re pleased to announce that our 2017 film, Celluloid Soul, was featured at this year’s Los Angeles Independent Film Showcase Film Festival in Beverly Hills.  The film screened on Wednesday,...
Stormy Daniels Blues
We have a president who has a pretty dissatisfied wife, and she is looking for any excuse she can to get out.  Here we have comedian Judy Tenuta as our first lady Melaria Trump singing the Stormy Daniels...
Robert Clements in Rectuma
Rectuma actor Robert Clements Dies
Robert Clements Robert Clements, the actor who played Waldo Williams’ co-worker M.C. (inventor of the Rapolator) in our 20o3 comedy Rectuma, died Monday, April 10th, 2018 in Los Angeles.  Word is...
Lauren Baldwin Real Foods ad
Pirromount's New Commercial
So what do we do when we're between feature films?  What do we do when we are out of ideas for new movies?  Why, we shoot commercials, of course.  We just finished shooting a new commercial for a product...
God Complex
A new "God Complex" review
There’s a website that’s been reviewing a few of my later films.  They just posted a review of my Biblical comedy, “The God Complex.”  As I imagine most of you know, The...