After one year of production, which started on November 16, 2019, we have finished principal photography on our upcoming comedy/mystery "The Deceased Won't Desist!" Considering all that's happened along...
submissive jesus
Submissive Jesus sale in honor of our 46th president
Because we are so pleased to finally have responsibility and sanity return to the oval office, for a limited time, we are selling Submissive Jesus Talking Heads at our cost of only $9.00 per unit. This...
"Celluloid Soul" now streaming on TubiTV
Our 2017 fantasy/comedy "Celluloid Soul" can now be streamed for free on TubiTV. This is the story of a down and out writer who falls in love with an actress from the 30's when he sees her in a couple...
New Trailer for "The Deceased Won't Desist!"
We put together a new trailer for our 2021 comedy/mystery "The Deceased Won't Desist!" starring Debra Lamb, G. Larry Butler, Damon Evans and John McCafferty. We are now heavily into post-production and...
Citizen insane
More Bogus Trump Movie Posters
For the past few weeks, we've been making a series of fake Trump movie posters for our Facebook followers. It's inspiring to be creative when you have a complete moron who is easy to make fun of. So, here...
trump fiction
Bogus Trump Movie Posters
While we've all been locked down over the last several months because of the Trumpvirus, and our current production has slowed down a bit (even though we're still shooting here and there, and hope to have...
TRUMPA DUMPA --- A video (dis)honoring our Oompa Loompa looking president.
The Oompa Loompas from Willy Wonka come together to sing a little bit about the orange anus currently squatting in the White House. This is a short little video we put together to encourage America to...
Filming on "The Deceased Won't Desist!" Continues...more or less.
Won't Desist!" However, we are managing to sneak in a short day here and there. Since this virus has forced the country into lockdown, we've only been able to chip away at the remaining scenes bit by bit,...
First Teaser Trailer for "The Deceased Won't Desist!"
While our cast and crew are under house arrest in the era of the Trumpvirus, we still managed to put together this teaser trailer for our upcoming movie, "The Deceased Won't Desist!" We have about 2/3rds...
The Deceased won't Desist! (and neither will we)
After 17 days of production, this virus mania has slowed us down a bit, but we're not stopping. We had another trip scheduled to go up to the cabin in the mountains to get more footage, but a couple of...