After 17 days of production, this virus mania has slowed us down a bit, but we're not stopping. We had another trip scheduled to go up to the cabin in the mountains to get more footage, but a couple of our actors don't feel comfortable taking the trip at this time. I told them that they have a better chance of dying in a car crash on the way than they do of getting the Trumpvirus (a better name for the disease, don't you think?), but one can't fight fear, so...our filming days will be limited to just a few actors and local shoots, for now anyway.
Jesus Returns. Dennis Kinard revisits the role he played in “The God Complex” for a pivotal scene in “The Deceased Won’t Desist!”

Things have gone well so far and we have about one hour of edited footage, with only about 1/2 hour’s worth left to go. But, as you all know, the world has been put on hold for now, so I’ll be spending most of my time editing, adding visual effects, and generally working on the post side of the movie. The last day of shooting saw the return of Dennis Kinard as Jesus. Dennis played Jesus for us in our 2009 comedy, “The God Complex,” as well as in two of our Submissive Jesus Talking Head commercials. It was great to have him back.

Father Dickinson (G. Larry Butler) finds out that it takes more than just being a good Catholic to get into Heaven. Jesus requires…uh…a certain favor.

We weren’t planning on having this movie ready to go until sometime in 2021, and now thanks to the madness going on in the world, that date seems more realistic than ever. We do hope to get back up to speed when the fear of a zombie apocalypse dies down…or the world is taken over by intelligent apes, whichever comes first.

Longtime Pirromount Director of Photography Bruce Heinsius lines up a process shot with the return of Dennis Kinard as Jesus and G. Larry Butler as Father Hugh Dickinson.
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