Production suspended on Judy Tenuta Feature Film project
  The Judy Tenuta project that we were scheduled to produce next year has been suspended for now.  I don’t have a reason to give you except that she decided to put a halt to it at this time....
Texans Patriots Football
NFL, President Dotard and Bended Knees
We at Pirromount have never been much of football fans, or any sports for that matter, but we are fans of what’s right.  And with all the new controversies that our Dotard in Chief has stirred up...
on stage2
On Tuesday, July 25th, 2017, we had the unveiling of our newest feature, Celluloid Soul, starring Dennis Kinard, Lauren Baldwin and Judy Tenuta.  I know I’m a bit biased and I don’t want to...
Celluloid Soul Poster
Pirromount's Newest Film, Celluloid Soul screens July 25th, 2017
CLICK POSTER TO WATCH TRAILER Our latest production, “Celluloid Soul” will have its world premiere on July 25th.  The movie stars Dennis Kinard (The God Complex), Lauren Baldwin (The God Complex,...
Pirromount amazon
Five Pirromount Films Now streaming on Amazon Prime
Good news everyone, you can now see some of our films on Amazon Prime.  Polish Vampire in Burbank, Color-Blinded, Deathrow Gameshow, Rectuma and Rage of Innocence can be found on the streaming channel....
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-----Another tRump video ---------- "FOR YOUR LIES ONLY"
It’s fun to mock a moron, especially a moron who has taken on more responsibility than he can handle.  Since this brainiac has become the leader of America, he has lowered our status on the world...
Donald Trump
Our New Trump Video - Nobody Brags it Better
As the Trump presidency hopefully starts winding down, we thought we would put together a little tribute to everything he has boasted and bragged about from his campaigning days.  Nobody bullshits...
Two Pirromount actresses with two new movies
  First, we’d like to congratulate our own Lauren Baldwin (God Complex, Rage of Innocence, Celluloid Soul) for landing a scene in the new Tom Hanks movie “The Circle.” She plays...
Close up of Marky with the words Marky Fun Tape over it
The FINAL Marky Fun Tape now online
  After over 21 years of fundom, the Marky Fun Tape series comes to its conclusion with the 2016 edition.  For those of you in the know, you know that these videos were started over two...
New Deathrow Gameshow Review
  Hey, look at this.  Another review of Deathrow Gameshow, and one of the rare ones that DOESN’T mention The Running Man in it.  We’ve been getting great feedback since this...