Filmmaker with the letters LIP to the right
If someone told you that their best friend was a child molester, would you still want to associate with them? What if they told you that they liked fucking kitty cats on the side? How about if they said that they keep a black man chained in their basement just for fun? If you said you'd still like to have this person around as a friend, then you would have told us more about yourself than the perverts you support.

Which brings us to ex-president Pussygrab. Anyone with a snail’s grade of intelligence can see that this moron nearly caused the undoing of our democracy by not only lying about the 2020 election results and refusing to admit that he lost, but was directly responsible for the biggest domestic terrorist attack on our country since the mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas in 2019.

If forgetting the fact that he lowered America’s respectability on the world stage and became a joke to world leaders (pleasing Russian president Putin), overlooking the fact that he dismantled the Pandemic Response Team which led to the biggest virus mishandling in 100 years, not to mention stealing from charities, creating a phony university, going bankrupt six times, hiding his crooked taxes, cheating on all his wives, paying off porn stars to keep quiet about his affairs, bragging about grabbing unwilling women by their pussies, and numerous other embarrassments to our country way too many to list in this short column, you still support this slug of a ‘human being,’ then you might as well be the person who supports all the things I mentioned above.

Now after all this imbecile has done to America (and I’m not even talking about the division he has wedged between brothers and sisters, not seen since the civil war), you still think he was good for our country, then you are either…

1) Too arrogant to admit he was a mistake,

2) Too embarrassed to admit it, or

3) Too dumb to see it (if you don’t think any of these apply to you, you’re over here).

Like Superman, we at Pirromount stand for truth, justice and the American way. There is no room for misguided loyalty, whether intentional or unintentional. It’s no wonder that religious people have fallen for the most ‘unreligious’ person to ever hold that office. They’re easily conned, and I understand that. People who believe in an imaginary man in the sky in control of everything would easily fall for a con artist who knows how to play to that base. But we are not easily conned and saw through this charade from the beginning. Our only satisfaction (that is other than the death of Rush Limbaugh), is that we’re certain that this douchebag will imminently continue his many firsts (like being the first president to be impeached twice in one term) by becoming the first president since Nixon on the road to becoming a felon – but unlike Nixon, with no hope for a pardon).

Now, why do we bring this up here? Well, one simple reason. If you support a cretin like ex-president Pussygrab, there’s no place for you at Pirromount. We don’t want you working for us, associating with us; buying our movies, posters, toys or any other merchandise we carry. Now obviously we have no control over who buys what of ours, but we want to make it plain and simple where we stand on this issue. So for those of you who are still on the Pussygrab Posse, have a good life burning books, masturbating with your guns, and raping collies. For the rest of you…we now return to our regularly scheduled program.

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