Well, after four years of watching hatred, bigotry, and misogyny represent our country, we can now all be proud that we got through it with our democracy slightly tarnished, but still standing. It will take a while for President Biden to reverse most of President Pussygrab's policies, but he's working at a lightning pace to put the country back on its rails.

I’ve often said that if a person goes into a bathroom with explosive diarrhea, and in five minutes gets shit all over the toilet, floor, sink, windows, walls, and everywhere else, then leaves the room; the person coming in to clean up the mess will take a lot longer. And even after the mess is cleaned up, the smell will still linger for quite some time. That’s where we are in America at this time. The cleaner is scrubbing up all the shit left behind by President Diarrhea.

I must say, if nothing else, the previous administration gave a lot of us some fun material to parody. When you elect a clown, expect a circus. Also, he was able to shine a spotlight on our friends and acquaintances who were a bit more ignorant and racist than we previously suspected. So I guess that was a good thing.

Anyway, welcome back Civility in America. We’ve missed you.

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