Since 1995, we have produced an annual program called “The Marky Fun Tape.” This started out as nothing more than home movies, which was primarily made for family and friends, but over the years has evolved into a self-contained variety show.
Initially, the videos were produced on VHS and sent around the country to all who were fortunate enough to be on the mailing list. Then they started going out on DVD. But since 2012, we started posting them privately online. Each show runs approximately 90 minutes. Many of them are kind of like diaries, documenting whatever has been going on throughout the year.
There is no way you can watch all of these in one sitting, so jump around, enjoy yourselves in this Pirromount buffet capsule. These videos are unlisted, so they can’t be found by the general public on Youtube. In other words, the only way to find these videos is via this site, and you have found the hidden links, viewed only by the privileged few…you lucky bastard.