(2010 – continuing) Satire
You think it’s wrong to make fun of any religion, especially the Muslim religion? Easily offended? Then move along, there’s nothing to see here. For the rationalists out there, this is for you. This is the popular Youtube series of Mohammad Speaks videos. After the Comedy Central Show South Park’s 200th episode got censored for depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad, we decided to make a series of videos where the mighty Mohammad himself enlightens everyone about everything from freedom of speech to baseball.
In 2020, Youtube started censoring these videos under the heading of “Hate Speech.” One has to laugh when the term hate speech can be given to satire. Nevertheless, after Youtube pulled a couple of our videos, we decided to delete the rest of them off their site and move them over to Voeh’s video site. There seem to be less pussies there. So, if you would like to see any of our videos from the Mohammad Speaks series, just click here.
OR if you would like a batch of our Mohammmad Videos on DVD, you can get the information below.
This DVD contains manyMohammad Speaks videos (the original 18 and additional Mohammad videos added after his retirement). As an added bonus, this DVD also includes all six “Submissive Jesus” video spots. And just to round out the package, we’ve included the original release trailer to Pirromount’s 2009 biblical comedy, “The God Complex.” Sure, you can watch them streaming off the Internet, but why not have them all on one disk? Blasphemy has never been so cool. $10.00