This is the original shooting script used by director Mark Pirro when making “Nudist Colony of the Dead.” It is not s duplicate. It comes with a rainbow of colored pages (in motion pictures, script changes are illustrated by different colored pages), and many script notes handwritten by Pirro.
The script is in pretty good shape and it appears that most if not all of the pages are in good condition, ie no or few tears, rips, etc.
Some of the sequences or dialog might be different than what appeared in the movie, since when a movie is edited, changes are sometimes made that differ slightly from the script, however, most of the script is similar to what ended up playing in the movie. The script comes in a three ring binder, which is also the original binder used by Pirro from when the movie was being made.
If requested, director Pirro will autograph and date the first page of the script for you. Keep watching the Pirrophernalia page for more original scripts from other Pirromount movies.