This 2001 produced documentary runs approximately 30 minutes and chronicles the evolution of Polish Vampire, from its early stages when it was entitled “Virgin Vampire” and Eddie Deezen was the star, to its 1983 premiere at a theatre in West Los Angeles. This documentary comes as a special feature on the Polish Vampire DVD. The doc contains rare footage, out takes, behind the scenes and new interviews with Mark Pirro, Lori Sutton, Marya Gant, Tyrone Dubose’, and Alfie Pearl, to name a few. Narrated by legendary film historian Forrest J Ackerman, this film shows what can be done with determination and passion, and no money. If you like the film “A Polish Vampire in Burbank,” if you love guerrilla filmmaking at its grittiest, you’ll love this documentary. Click below to watch it in its entirety.
Click below to watch the entire 30 minute documentary